Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Use Yahoo! Search Marketing to Find the Right Keywords

internet search marketing

By eHow Contributing Writer

If you use great keywords, your Web site will attract more hits. But if you want to attract more targeted visitors, you need to use the right keywords.

How do you know you’re using the best possible keywords? You take a look at your product or service and the customers you’re trying to reach. In just a few easy steps, you’ll be on your way to getting the most out of your site.


Step 1
Search your Web site as if you were a customer. Make a list of the most interesting and relevant points offered.

Step 2
Generate keywords based on your list.

Step 3
Check your server logs to verify the topics you focused on match those for which your customers looked. Connect to Yahoo! Search Marketing’s (previously Overture's) search tool.

Step 4
Enter your terms (one at a time) into the Keyword Selector Tool to bring up related search terms and to see how often the searches for each term were performed.

Step 5
Select a returned search term by clicking on it to further narrow the term. Each time you select a term to narrow the search, you will get a number of times that the term was placed in a search engine.

Step 6
Use your keywords, alone and in combination, to create a targeted ad that will draw customers to your site.

Tips & Warnings

# Always keep your customers in mind when you generate keywords.
# Make sure your keywords accurately describe your products and services.
# Use keywords that are as specific as possible.
# Using keywords that are not relevant to your site will alienate potential customers.

internet search marketing
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