Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Optimize Your Internet Marketing Article for Search Engine Ranking - Internet Search Marketing

internet search marketing

By crissanteiro

Optimizing your internet marketing articles is the key to getting to the top in the search engine results. Learn how to optimize your articles effectively.


Step 1
Internet marketing articles are used to promote products and services on the internet. People write articles to advertise specific products. The articles usually contain information which is relevant to their product, but not necessarily about the product itself. When you write about a specific product, that would be considered a product review.

The purpose of internet marketing articles is to drive traffic to the product website. In order to do this there are things to take into consideration to make your article more visible to the search engines in order to be moved up the ranks and consequently drive more traffic to your website . This is called Search Engine Optimization or “SEO”. SEO is an internet marketing strategy that takes into consideration what the search engines use to rank articles, as well as what people are looking for in their searches.

What we want to accomplish with search engine optimization is to be at the top of the organic, or unpaid, search results of the search engines. That is our goal. This is where we will stand to make the most profit from our internet marketing articles.

So how do we optimize our internet marketing articles for the search engines?

Step 2

We need to make our internet marketing articles as targeted as possible. This way they are easily picked up and categorized by the search engines.

• Keywords are what tell the search engines what your article is about, so they can put your article in the right category. These are the words that you are going to use to build your article around.

• You have to find the keywords that people are using to search for the specific products on the internet. You want to have keywords in your articles that are going to bring back search results. The more people that search for your chosen keyword in your article, the more chances of exposure your article has.

• Your internet marketing article should be researched for keywords that will have a chance to rank high. This depends not only on the number of searches for a keyword, but also in the amount of competition that it has as well. Even if a word has many searches, it is better to stay away from those keywords that are very general and have a lot of competition. It will be very hard to rank in the first page for such words.

• Preferably choose keywords that have at least 1000 monthly searches and under 35,000 competing results. You will need a keyword tool to research your keywords.

Step 3

• Include your keyword in the title of your article, as well as your first sentence and the last sentence of your last paragraph of your internet marketing article. You may sprinkle it throughout the article, but don’t overdo it. The article should read well.

• Also include your keyword in your article summary. This is the blurb that will be visible in the search results of the search engines. This summary should entice the reader to click through to your article.

• Use your keyword in the anchor text links to your product. In other words if your keyword is “dog training” that is the word that you should make as anchor text to click to get to your product website.

Step 4

The search engines need to know that our articles are popular, in order to rank them higher.

• Backlinks are links that point back to your internet marketing articles. These backlinks can be from many different websites. The more backlinks you have, the more popular your article is in the eyes of the search engines because it tells them that other websites are interested in you. This is important to the search engines, as they want to provide their customers with the best content.

• Backlinks from higher page ranks and more established sites are more powerful than from lower ranking websites and will help your article move up farther in the search engine rankings.

• Create backlinks by visiting blogs in your niche and making valuable posts. You then leave a link back to your article or website, along with your post. Niche-related links are more effective than backlinks from non-related niches.

• Post your internet marketing articles in social bookmarking sites, and soon you will have other blogs linking to your articles, if you are providing value. This can create an invaluable amount of backlinks.

Step 5

Content refers to the value of your article. You should always provide great information for your readers. This is the first step in getting the search engines to look at your internet marketing articles. No matter how much keyword research and other strategies you are applying, content is king. No search engine will have your article on top if you are not providing useful information that their readers will want.

Tips & Warnings

- Make your internet marketing articles powerful. Why not optimize them to the fullest? Use every single strategy above. Don’t leave any stones unturned, and you will have the attention of the search engines.

- Optimize even more by turning your internet marketing articles into videos, with one click. Get more traffic and more backlinks. See resource below.

- Cris Santeiro writes extensively about internet marketing. For more information, please visit www.CrisSanteiro.com


# Internet Marketing Articles
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# Internet Marketing Tool

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